The first step was looking at the ERD to find a one-to-Many relationship that made sense to use a list for. In the ERD we can see that a Person can have multiple phone numbers. So let's use this set of tables for our demonstration.
USE AdventureWorks2008 GO /* Add multiple phone numbers for a person */ INSERT INTO person.PersonPhone ( BusinessEntityID, PhoneNumber, PhoneNumberTypeID, ModifiedDate ) VALUES ( 121,'412-555-1212',1, GETDATE()), ( 121,'412-432-1212',2, GETDATE()), ( 121,'412-278-1919',2, GETDATE()) /* Show the person with phone numbers in a comma separated list */ SELECT p.BusinessEntityID ,P.FirstName ,P.MiddleName ,P.LastName ,( SELECT ( STUFF(( SELECT ', ' + PP.PhoneNumber + ' ' + PT.Name FROM person.PersonPhone PP JOIN person.PhoneNumberType PT ON PP.PhoneNumberTypeID = PT.PhoneNumberTypeID WHERE PP.BusinessEntityID = P.BusinessEntityID FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 2, '') ) ) AS [Phone Numbers] FROM Person.Person P WHERE P.BusinessEntityID = 121
This returns the following result: